Customer Training Opportunities
Interested in learning more about any of the following topics?
- Top Items to Consider When Selecting the Right Test Chamber
- Mitigating Risks When Testing Hazardous Materials
- Keep Your Chamber Running in Perfect Condition with Preventive Maintenance
- Understand Humidity and Why it is Important for Your Test Application
- Common Options Accessories and When You Would Use Them
- Chamber Air Flow and Temperature Transition Rates
- Stability Test Chambers & What You Need to Know to Select the Right Chambers
- HALT & HASS Overview
- What Type of Cooling System is Best for My Chamber Application?
Gain access to any of these pre-recorded webinars by filling out the form linked below.
ITEST will be exhibiting at the IRPS Show in Monterey on March 31st to April 3rd (and available for customer visits the following week!)
IEEE - IRPS - International Reliability Physics Symposium
The premiere conference for engineers and scientists to present new and original work in the area of microelectronics reliability. Drawing participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, and all other parts of the world, IRPS seeks to understand the reliability of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectronic assemblies through an improved understanding of both the physics of failure as well as the application environment. IRPS provides numerous opportunities for attendees to increase their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of microelectronics reliability. It is also an outstanding chance to meet and network with reliability colleagues from around the world.
We are the discerning I, the test lab of the future, established with a staunch purpose to build upon the cutting edge, leading edge ATE test development, load board development capability and provide the secondary extension of electrical test which is to validate a new product, a new process, or a new package.
We excel in:
Futuristic Package Evaluation, package in terms of size, validation, Thermal Moir ’e imaging, warpage analysis, structural analysis of a package, coefficients of TC thermal coefficients matching, materials matching, followed by reliability standards and benchmarks are our prized niche.
43" Multi-Display HDMI Monitor
Vibration Test Development Software from VR: ObserVIEW
Import up to 50GB of test data from any DAQ device!
Data Editing > view data files for free! Crop, copy, cut and paste section of a wavefore or append multiple compatible files.
Waveform Analysis > User-friendly vibration analysis options for both proficient engineers and those new to the industry.
Modal Testing > Intuitive project setup dialog that walks you through parameter selection.
Test Profile Development > Test development options for replicating a component's operational environment using field data, including accelerated random, sine-on-random, and complex shock.
Vibration Research Catalog and Spec Sheets including Shakers, vibration control hardware and software